Alkalines Anonymos head To TURNIP Town

Escarole, great with Turnips for a winter salad

Inspired by best value Organic spinach and those before mentioned TURNIPS ... underrated vegetable...
… Once a staple of country roast dinner, now a 5 star delicacy grated and dumplingafied, steamed to moist perfection... But life's too short for that.

Catch your Turnips young, when they are bright white with healthy green ends.
The greens can be eaten too, add them to your other greens for a touch of bitterness.
Bitterness is very good for you.

Young Turnips can be peeled, sliced thin, put with in season radicchio, sliced orange, rocket, good oil, a squeeze of orange Juice, a drop of good sherry vinegar,  touch of honey, a pinch of Macrobiotic Sea Salt and a  grind of fresh pepper...
and to finish some sliced toasted hazelnuts.

Yes, you can slice a toasted hazelnut, or just chop them.

OR to get more adventurous, crush some toasted, peeled hazelnuts in a mortar & pestle , with a pinch of macrobiotic sea salt, stir in oil & orange juice,ad just the acid with the vinegar and the seasoning, please TASTE it.
Rub the dressing onto the salad ingredients, this is the sexy part....
taste it again

So delicious … and you did not turn the stove on!


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