Flavour Profiles of the Future - Social Responsibility and Food

My Nanna Jeans Recipes 
Old School
Classic Sunbeam in action

The art or some would argue the skill or craft of cooking, was practiced once upon a time, everyday!

Now it seems to be only on television in Cafes and Restaurants. Take-away boxes are ripped open on the lounge and packets un-zip-locked  before microwaves. There is un-refrigerated potato salad on shelves with a six month life span. Rice is being sold already cooked...

Is cooking becoming a privilege of the wealthy, economically or intellectually privileged?
Is it the perceived time it takes to cook that discourages and or the lack of acquired skill, or is it just not learnt via social absorption through family life.

The food we eat defines our social status, who and what we identify with. We decide what we like. We decide what our children are exposed to. Decisions made unconsciously due to the beliefs we have about what the right food for us is. The right food being in many cases what we are exposed to, what tastes good to us. Who is showing us what to eat, the television?

People can learn to like any flavour if they want to; culturally rich diets of history are aromatically detailed with strong flavours from pungent hung game, fermented salty fish to vegimite. Commercial food flooding the common market place is full of synthesised flavours dependent on high fructose corn syrup, corn, soy derivatives and chemical additives. Preserving shelf life over flavour. Sweet one dimensional profiles are the norm. This is the new palate of the growing majority and future generations.

When fresh real food is plated for the commercially toned palate it is likely to be un-liked. Mostly due to its fresh edges, acids, textures & natural sugars. All the things a real foodie looks for.
So my question is, who is going to appreciate fresh real food and know what it is supposed to taste like in the next decade?

 I am supposing it will be the intellectually and economically endowed. Actually you will have to be both rich & smart to eat well ?? A real food education is the only viable option. Who is going to provide it, the television, the government, the parents?

Where lays the 'social responsibility' when it comes to food, how is it put into practise?
Questions to ask, answers to be found.
With each bite we decide?


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