With charity stores appearing on the fashion High streets, Americas most renown & expensive Chef “Thomas Keller” turning to making sandwiches the Global Financial Crisis has everyone, who is thinking, looking for truth & substance in their every day food. Popularity of Farmers markets, cooking & life style shows has raised awareness of ethics, health & accountability. Affluent populations are looking for the true value in their lives.
One way to interpret our life style is to look at what we eat.
What we eat ties us to a community we feel we belong to.  This sense of community is what has been so carefully branded to denote life style choices. Communities are farmers markets, are small corner stores, that are coming back in a big way in Melbourne, revamped with vintage decor, reused resourcefulness.
There is a massive turn against monopoly controlled food suppliers; they try & compete by supplying more organic local options, becoming  more accountable. Their shear economy of size does not make this easy for them. People are starting to ask questions, information is more readily available.

People are looking for a sense of community. They want to know where their food is coming from? Ethics are the trend, beyond organics, it’s about politics.
In my humble opinion……


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