True Food Business Plans

True Food Business Plans Work

Many food businesses do not have a plan. It is so easy to see when and how a food business can go so wrong. It is so easy to fix.

You wonder how a simple lunch order can turn into a disaster. When you roll into a cafe to order your healthy lunch from the menu boasting organics.

The staff don't know what's in the food, they ask the Manager, who asks the Chef who makes an educated guess, and gets it wrong ... by the way. You don't order the soup because they say it has cream in it. My friend orders the soup and it has no cream in it.... I can tell. They bring you the wrong dish. The frittata that they forget to mention contains cheese, is sided by a green and browning rotten salad. Too much stress over lunch.

I understand that this establishment is a perfect example of one that requires a business plan. A plan that respects its food purpose and clientele; more procedures and less staff would make this cafe boom. "True food" quality is the base line for real value marketing plans.

My consultancy advice mends a business. I set up formulas for venues that ensure they have substance to sell ... "substance sells itself"  See a packaged list of my services    Food and Hospitality Consultant:

Well  run businesses with visceral mission statements are magnets to like minded clientele, mutual networks and media. Real food stories are sought by everybody,  people innately want to justify their choices.

Points of difference are made by us, knowing who we are, why we are here and what we want to achieve. 

P.S. This applies to life too ... the fine print ... always read the fine print.


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